...is the correct expression for anyone living in a house of disorder, which ours is by the way. So Bah humbug.
We had our bedroom plastered, the last room in the house to be done after three years of living here. So the entire contents of the bedroom are distributed about the house, we are sleeping in the front room until the room is ready to move back in (spent tonight applying a coat of paint) and much of the house has that annoyingly fine layer of pinkish dust that inevitably follows a plastering job.
On the upside, we've replaced all the radiators with nice modern efficient ones to match the nice modern green boiler (it's white, but you get the idea) so the house has never been warmer, and the chickens are all laying daily, so we have three eggs a day to deal with - see earlier post about 100 things to do with an egg.
Which doesn't link to anything I've stumbled on lately, so here for your enjoyment is an oddly addictive challenge - How Fast Can You Type The Alphabet? I have managed a sluggish 6.06 seconds, Girl has done 8.17, which has led me to believe I need to curtail her computer time as this is disgustingly fast for a ten year old. Wifey plodded to a risible 13.5 seconds, but will be the first to confess she can't type. Girl and I were second and third.
Architectural Designs and Styles (Architecture)
12 years ago