Wednesday 14 April 2010

Escape The Room

I was unlucky enough to get a summons for jury service, starting on Monday. Some may enjoy the idea of taking part in the judicial system, but aside from the inconvenience of being away from work at a rather important time, I can think of many other things I'd prefer to do.
Thankfully, those pesky criminals saved the day. Here is my entire experience of jury service:

Day 1 - sit around until 3.30pm, getting only an occasional update from a court usher, until finally the judge calls us (40 of us by the way!) into court to apologise for our boring day, but the defendants finally put in a guilty plea that satisfied the prosecution.
Day 2 - sit around until lunchtime waiting for some action (on page 200 of my book by this time) and told we can go home for the day as the bad boys have yet again pleaded guilty. Get home, warm up laptop and do work.
Day 3 - as day 1 without the excitement and variation of going into court, and we are told by the court usher that due to circumstances beyond their control there will be no further cases and our jury service is over. (300 pages read, nearly halfway through the book).

So in answer the the question "What is jury service like?" It is like being held in a room for three days with a really big book to read.

And in honour of my experience, stumbleupon (set for games) kindly offered up a list of the 50 best room escape games. I like these - the good ones are tricky and imaginative puzzles with a genuinely enjoyable ending. (The bad ones are truly awful).


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